1. One day of year 2010 I found a torso of a toy car on the street in Australia. There’s a habit of things that don’t work, throw away and buy new ones. I’m used to getting the most out of the little, and I don’t like throwing things that might still serve. There was no battery and controller to „revive“ the car – I ordered it in China. I took it as a challenge and learned how everything works and gradually put the car together. The hood was also missing and the new one was quite expensive and I did not like plastic design and look, so I begin to improvise and use the knowledge of youth with paper models and built own prototype – model of my old Škoda 105. Everybody wanted drive it.


2. After returning to the Czech Republic again the same. So I bought another toy car, and coincidence (although there are no coincidences) allowed me to organize the first test, very improvised, accompanying program at the Children’s Day at the Salesian Youth Center Brno-Žabovřesky – June 2013.


3. A few months later the cars have grown by the third and we were part of the accompanying program on the cycloevent – Cyklospeciality at John’s Castle, Lednice.


4. I asked the Brno Public Greenery if I could organize an event in the city park … and another very public event was here … this time with promotion and posters – Tyršův sad, October 2013 …


… and we established a good one cooperation. There were events from spring to autumn 2014 and 2015 in Lužáněcký Park, and not only there.


6. The cars managed to get into a state where they can bear a lot and are a great excuse to move your body.


7. I asked Dan Priban – chief of Yellow expedition circus if I could build his Trabant Egu for the children. Gradually, the entire yellow fleet of the yellow circus developed.


8. At our biggest event in Lužánky we organized recycling workshops, creative stands and sports events where children could deserve free rides. Thanks to Citadela Mefisto – Pole Dance Studio for great performance and challenge for children in climbing. Los odpadosformers for a great recycling workshop and Čenda and Zdeněk for a great barbecue. Thanks also to Houpací sociální sítě for knitting hammocks and let people rest.


9. At park Kraví hora, where it lives, there was a nice cooperation with Brno střed and Kávéeska.


10. We luckily haven’t gone crazy about servis, depreciation, innovation, building cars, preparing … hundreds of hours of work that can’t be seen … from dozens of destroyed engines and other components …


11. Dozens of people, helpers, volunteers, volunteers also participated in the Toy Cars project – it would not have been possible without them. Lucas, Zdenka, Cenda, Jura, Anet, Jura, Ryan, Sarka, Kacka, Krystof, Evca, Kimmi, Peťa, Anežka, Lumča …


12. In 2014, dozens of public events were held. One of large and fortune family joined our competition. It is great that not only children like to compete with us.


13. Children’s Camp Theme Summer Camp Brumov . it was clear: Vikings. All right, but the Vikings did not have cars yet 🙂


14. In winter, there were also indoor events and school events, where children accidentally drove a self-sacrificing janitor taking pictures while lying 🙂


15. Children and parents left to us several hundred messages.


16. We have also completed dozens of corporate events and teambuilding events and have also supported the student conference Glorious Conference 2015.


17. We enjoy inventing and participating in fun stuff – a vessel on a „neckyada“ and a 2D trabant.


18. Toy cars have already met a lot of inspirational folks, like an avid traveler and a „travel and life lover“ Jiri Kolbaba – THE WORLD , Lucie Výborná (great match with ladybird), band The Tap Tap and bandleader Šimon Ornest , traveler and adventurer Dana Přibáně and more … thanks to such people I realized that one should do what he believes in. Thank you.


19. With the captain Paroplavba Praha and our Prague connection Adel. There is never a lack of original personalities around yellow trabants.


20. At the Day against Drugs – school event, we also organized the first workshop where children could build their own bonnets.


21. We were also close to the presidents. Sometime unfortunately. You can see how children and adults can „inspire“ in bad way. Fortunately, children have their brains, and I would not underestimate them in any way. Thanks to the new generations, there will be no such president as bad as it is now.


22. New teammember – cool Anet. We also founded a non-profit organization together with Zdeňek. Today, Anet is going her own way.


23. Our first creative cardboard workshop – team work and cooperation – dad wasn’t very excited about having to take home a tractor.


24. The first commercially built toy car as a private gift for the director of the Mercedes branch in Brno. Functional brake lights, AMG tuning and two-liter turbo as standard.


25. Concentration before mass start … forest elf … ladybug and easter bunny in competition … ladybugs we built three, for charity event Blue ladybug …


26. We enjoyed entertaining people at the ceremonial departure of “Dan Přibáň’s Yellow Trabants” to Australia and Asia.


27. SAKO Incinerator invited us to organize the main accompanying program for Open Day. Our biggest and most demanding events.


28. We supported charity event of handicap group and band Pojď dál The Tap Tap for finishing off building Jedličkův ústav in Praze.


29. We can start up also summer festivals – this time JUST LIFE.


30. This year the toy cars racing also at children’s camps.


31. The idea of a short film with a cardboard town and toy cars – our first models. School Husova was great and joined our project with buildings with enthusiasm. Even with a great teacher.


32. Competition as Brno – cooperation with school department, where kids helped us build cardboard model houses for . https://www.youtube.com/short movie.


33. Some buildings were so nice that we organized an exhibition of cardboard buildings from the Competition as Brno.


34. We also rode at the exhibition center. This time World Film Festival Prague, Holesovice Exhibition Center.


35. Mr. Miroslav Zikmund, a traveler, carefully checked whether our chassis could withstand the journey across the Sahara and signed the toy car with his life motto „Life is the exact sum of coincidences“.


36. Traveler Tatra 805 enriched a very successful event in Zlín – Family Fest organized by Aktivně životem o.p.s. and also traveled 2 months around the country to accompany the road show to the film Století Miroslava Zikmunda.


37. We’ve partnered with ROCK MAX and at Barum Czech Rally Zlín we made an unofficial accompanying programme.


38. Little car for Singer and rally racer Olga Lounová for event at Barum Rally.


39. Veterans‘ Meeting – Veteráni na Pláži – Mlékojedy nearby Mělník 2015. One of the most beautiful themed events.


40. Toy cars are for everyone who wants to have fun. The amazing lady came and said, “I want to try. I have a camera here, and I need you to make a video of me driving, my husband wouldn’t believe me.


41. Yes, the Easter Bunny … and you guess the other two?


42.We would like to organize events in Sokolovna 1. Ideal place for events in cold weather.


43. We tried the first public workshop of building our own bonnet and subsequent expedition to the countryside.


44. Testing of prototype for traffic education in cooperation with


45. WABCO custom truck for a very playful corporate event for 50 business partners organized by doubleagency.eu a Michal ‚may‘ Hrubý.


46. There were relay races and new disciplines: skid school, skill ride, cargo transport, bonnet construction workshop and a very destructive drag race that our technician had to leave not see it.


47. There was a great event for the company AT&T Brno. We put in an obstacle course and a new trial car.


48. We have developed a functional, durable tractor chassis.


50. They also noticed us on the show ČT Déčko a na Rádio Impuls – Ráááádio.


51. We upgraded our transport vehicle. But the still is not enough.


52. Same as Apple Inc. jsme začali v garáži a máme blízko i k příběhu inspirativní firmy Y Soft Corporation, we started in the garage and we are close to the story of an inspiring company who lived and worked in the office.


And what happens next? Let us surprise you and follow us or visit our Reference.